Pricing options

Choose the payment method you prefer.

  • Certification Assurance
    - Zero Risk

    Pass the exams or get a full refund - simply complete the course and take the exams within three months afterward.

  • 100%

    If, within the first 30 days, you feel the program does not meet your expectations, we will issue a full refund.

During the course you have access to

The theoretical exam:

The theoretical exam:

  • Texts with the subjects you must know to pass the exam.

  • Dozens of questions from previous evaluations.

The practical exam:

The practical exam:

  • Videos with the techniques that you may be asked to execute.

  • Live simulation of the practical exam.

Doubt solving:

Doubt solving:

  • Live classes to deepen and resolve doubts about the subjects and techniques.

  • Group sessions with an official examiner to learn what to expect and the best strategies for the exams.